Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas in Ghana!

This year, Christmas in Ghana was a week long celebration! On Christmas eve, we spent the morning preparing food for an outreach at a school in Accra. We did all the cooking outside, while listening to Christmas music. It was such a strange feeling listening to Christmas music when it was 90 degrees. The Lambs and I got to help with the food, and then deliver it at the school. We also handed out pencils, candy, and other small things. We weren't able to spend much time at the school, but we enjoyed getting to share the love of Christ and provide a hot meal for them! After we finished at the school, we headed back to GMI. They celebrated Christmas Eve by having a late night dance party!
The children lined up
and waiting for lunch!
On Christmas day, we celebrated here at GMI. I was awoken by the older boys singing Christmas carols at the top of their lungs. After that, I went to morning devotions with the kids. We thanked God for the year He blessed us with, and prayed for the coming year. Once we were finished praying, Pastor Eben decided I was the one who should tell the kids the Christmas story. So at 6:30 in the morning, with no prior notice or preparation, I got up to tell the kids the Christmas story. Once we finished up with devotions, the kids started doing their chores and the adults began cooking all the food for Christmas dinner. The kids spent the rest of the morning playing, while I put the finishing touches on their Christmas presents. It was such a relaxed morning, I even got to take a nap! Such a treat.

 After lunch, things started to pick up quite a bit. We had some uninvited guests show up, and only one lady in the house knew who they were. An adoptive parent here was talking to him, but didn't know it's a cultural "no no" to talk to uninvited guests, so two of the older boys quickly called him away and told him not to speak to the guests again. A pilot from Delta Airlines brought his family to celebrate with us. They brought a bunch of stuff for the kids, so we had to sort through all that. While I was getting everything put away, Seth showed up with some gifts from my family and a block of cheese! I have never been more thankful for cheese, and it was such a wonderful Christmas present! He helped me finish putting things away, and then we started playing with the kiddos and getting ready for dinner. We were supposed to start around 3:30, but it was closer to 5:30 by the time things actually got going. Life in Ghana often runs about two hours behind. =P

All the girls got new dresses!
The Beebe's brought their family to celebrate with us. It's awesome getting to see their sons give their lives away to share Jesus with the people here. I love to see the Lord working in their hearts! Once everything was ready, we sat down and enjoyed our meal. It was such a blessed time getting to fellowship with a mix of Ghanaians and Americans. After the meal, we shared presents with the kiddos. They were so simple, but for some of them it was the first Christmas present they'd ever received. Once everything was cleaned up and put away, we spent the rest of the evening having a dance party. The third one that week, and the kids loved it every time. =P

On Wednesday, we celebrated Christmas at Nyame Dua (The orphanage where Seth is volunteering). I went over early to help Seth get the presents ready for the kids. Once we were finished, a bunch of kids from another AAI home came to celebrate with us. With Christmas music playing in the background, we handed out presents to all the kids. Outside, in the 90* heat. It has been so strange celebrating Christmas in the heat!
 After the presents were handed out, we sat down for dinner. They killed a goat for Christmas, and they shared all of it. All of our plates had meat, bone, and skin! Goat skin isn't the most appetizing thing to eat, so we let the kids have our share. Having goat is a special treat, and they enjoyed it! Once dinner was finished, we headed back to GMI. By the time we got back, they were having a family game night! They had a dancing competition, charades, and musical chairs. It was fun getting to watch almost everyone in the house participating in the games.

On Thursday, we had Christmas in Chorkor. It's one of the saddest communities I've ever been in. There is trash piled everywhere, and everything is surrounded by mud and stagnant water. There are three families sponsored by Feeding The Orphans, and we had the privilege of blessing them this Christmas! We delivered food and brought new dresses for all of the children who are sponsored. We also had plenty of candy to pass out to the neighborhood kids.
This small room is a home for a
single mother and her four children.

 At the second house we went to, we discovered that their grandfather had passed away the day before. For most of them, he was a father figure. It was so hard to see children so young suffering such a loss, but we were able to love, bless, and encourage them by God's grace! So thankful Feeding The Orphans is sponsoring this family. At the third house, most of the family wasn't home, so the Beebe's left some Christmas surprises for when they return. While Mrs. Beebe and I were inside helping two of the boys who live in the house, everyone else was outside with the neighborhood kids.

 When we walked out of the house, Seth was kneeling down sharing the gospel, in the sand with a broken shell. It was so awesome to see the Lord using him to share Jesus with those children!

People live here

Thank you, Feeding The Orphans!

This is a home for eight children
and their grandmother

Christmas has been so different this year, but its been so wonderful! I got to spend four days celebrating the birth of Christ by caring for the fatherless and other people in this community, and I got to do all of it with my best friend! So thankful for everything the Lord has blessed me with this Christmas!

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