It's been such a wonderful week! The days leading up to my trip were very eventful, and Jehovah Jireh continued to provide in such incredible ways! His provision during the preparation for my trip was incredible. "Give thanks to Lord for He is good; His faithful love endures forever." Psalm 118:1.
The Lord has been so good to me! The trip here was good, and my body is adjusting surprisingly well to the Ghanaian food and climate. I can't even begin to count how many ways He has blessed me this week! He's so good! "But I will sing of Your strength and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning. For You have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble. To You, my strength, I sing praises, because God is my stronghold, my faithful God." Psalm 59:16-17.
Please be praying that I would be intentional during my time here, and always seek the Lord's will above my own. Also, there's a child in the home who has been causing a lot of trouble, so please pray that the Lord will work in his heart, and draw him unto Himself.
"Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the word." James 1:27.
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