Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week two!

Sorry I haven't posted anything the past few days. I didn't have internet most of the week. But! Moving right along.

This week was full of wonderful new experience. On Monday, we washed our clothes by hand. Some of the older boys were making fun of us because we weren't doing it right. But our clothes came out clean, so it's all good.

Tuesday-Saturday, Lola and I stayed at City Of Refuge with Johnbull and Stacy Omorefe. Their ministry is used to rescue children who have been sold into slavery. There are an estimated 27 million slaves in the world today. Craziness.

It was so awesome getting to know the Omorefe family, and hearing about all that God has done, and is doing in their lives. They have one safe house that is a home for several children who have been rescued from child trafficking. They hope to build many more safe houses in the future to provide homes for children in need.

They have a school at City Of Refuge, and it's called "Faith Roots International." They have 121 students, Pre-k through 6th grade. They hope to expand the school and add a Jr & Sr high in the near future. Lola and I got to experience the school first hand on Wednesday. Lola helped in the 5th/6th grade class, and I helped with 1st grade class. It was really cool getting to see some of what goes on in the school.

On Thursday, we went to the city of Koforidua, to go to the bead market. There were literally millions of beads. It was insane. Lola and I were walking to meet up with John and Stacy, and we passed this man who informed that I was "the one". He was yelling and everybody was staring at him. Needless to say, I kept my head down and walked straight over to John and Stacy. =P

Friday, we helped in the school's store. They give the kids kind cash for good behavior, doing well in school, things like that. They get to buy little toys and other random stuff. It's kind of like an AWANA store (For those of you who know what that is. =P). Friday night is movie night at City Of Refuge, so we cuddled up with the kids and watched a movie.

Saturday, we spent the morning with the kids, before we had to leave. John and Stacy drove us back to Accra, where we met up with Sarah to go shopping. We went to one of the markets, and it was insane. There were people evvverywhere. But we had a lot of fun.

Today, we had church here in the orphanage. Love that Africa music! After church, they had a family meeting. It's a time for everyone to express any issues or problems that have been going on in the home. Basically, all the older kids get really worked up about things, and they all make fun of each other. So much sibling love. =P I'm not sure how they got on the subject, but pastor John (the leader of the orphanage) asked the older boys to go get their underwear, and some of them came back with it on their heads. Part of it was serious, but we were laughing a majority of the time. Once they were done with family meeting, we ate lunch and headed to the beach. There was about 40 of us total. The beach is a couple miles from the house, so we took a couple taxis to get there. You would be amazed how many people can fit in these little taxis. When we were leaving the beach, we didn't have any taxis, so we had to start walking home. We walked a little ways, and then one taxi stopped. We crammed as many kids we could, and Emily went with them. The rest of us had to walk home. That was pretty interesting, but we had fun.

So yeah! Been another awesome week, and I'm really enjoying my time here in Ghana! God is so good!

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