Friday, January 27, 2012

A Ghanaian wedding, a trip to Chorkor, and everything in between.

Yesterday was pretty interesting. We went to deliver food to a couple families in Chorkor, and ended up at a Ghanaian wedding on our way there. Our driver had to be a witness for his cousins wedding (Just a short ceremony in a courthouse type place). We had no idea we were going to a wedding til we got there, so Lola, Sarah, and I were in our shorts and tshirts. It was really cool getting to experience their culture. Ghanaian weddings last about four days; they have a different day to legalize the marriage, a ceremony in the church, the reception, and the cutting of the cake. It's pretty crazy. 

After the wedding we headed to Chorkor. Lola asked if Sarah and I needed to use the restroom, cause it would be our last chance for a few hours. We walked over to see that the bathroom was three concrete walls, a door, and a slanted floor so the pee goes down the drain. Yeah, I decided I didn't need to use the restroom. =P It's about a 20 minute walk to Chorkor, and Lola, Sarah, and I all got to carry a bag of rice on our head. The Ghanaians were laughing at because we weren't doing it right. :P It was heartbreaking to see the living conditions in Chorkor. It was so dirty, and the people literally have nothing. I've seen pictures and heard about places like that, but it was way different to actually walk through it. 

Once we got back from Chorkor we spent the evening in the orphanage and got some much needed rest. We're having so much fun loving on all these kids. :) 

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