Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week one: Complete!

It has been a crazy week! Met tons of new people, experienced new things, and had a blast! 
The day we got here was very long. I didn't feel very well when we landed in Accra, but praise God I was feeling better by the time we got to the orphanage! The ride from the airport to the orphanage was pretty interesting. Seeing the streets of Ghana for the first time, and of course the crazy driving. People here...oh man. They drive where they want, when they want. And they very rarely stop. Pretty sure I wince at least once every time we're in a vehicle. 

The next few days, Sarah and I spent most of our time in the orphanage while Emily was running around doing other things. We had such a blast getting to know all the kids. It was pretty overwhelming at first having 20+ kids call us mommy, but we're used to it now and are enjoying being mommy for all these little ones.

Today, we went to a village up in the Volta region. It took over 3 hours to get there, and we had 16 people in a 12 passenger van. We were pretty squished! Once we got there, we met the village leader and then led a church service. It was really cool to see the guys do an impromptu service, and to see all the villagers slowly gather around to see what was going on. After the service we gave some gifts to the kids; clothes, paper, pencils, stickers. Things we all take for granted in America, but they were so thrilled about it. Once we handed everything out, they all went and played soccer. And of course we were all very, very dirty. Once we got back to the orphanage, the kids were absolutely thrilled to see us. They were jumping up and down and screaming. You'd think we'd been gone for a month. Nope, just a day. =P It's such a joy to see them get so excited about such little things, but also kind of sad. In America we have everything we want at our finger tips, but they're content just to have a piece of paper and a few pencils to color with. Being here and seeing what little they have, makes me realize just how much stuff we have in America. And we have a ton. But they have Jesus, and He meets all their needs. I love getting to love on all these kids. It is such a blessing! 

Its been really awesome getting to experience all the different things here in Ghana, I can't wait to see what God has in store for the next couple weeks! 

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Ghanaian wedding, a trip to Chorkor, and everything in between.

Yesterday was pretty interesting. We went to deliver food to a couple families in Chorkor, and ended up at a Ghanaian wedding on our way there. Our driver had to be a witness for his cousins wedding (Just a short ceremony in a courthouse type place). We had no idea we were going to a wedding til we got there, so Lola, Sarah, and I were in our shorts and tshirts. It was really cool getting to experience their culture. Ghanaian weddings last about four days; they have a different day to legalize the marriage, a ceremony in the church, the reception, and the cutting of the cake. It's pretty crazy. 

After the wedding we headed to Chorkor. Lola asked if Sarah and I needed to use the restroom, cause it would be our last chance for a few hours. We walked over to see that the bathroom was three concrete walls, a door, and a slanted floor so the pee goes down the drain. Yeah, I decided I didn't need to use the restroom. =P It's about a 20 minute walk to Chorkor, and Lola, Sarah, and I all got to carry a bag of rice on our head. The Ghanaians were laughing at because we weren't doing it right. :P It was heartbreaking to see the living conditions in Chorkor. It was so dirty, and the people literally have nothing. I've seen pictures and heard about places like that, but it was way different to actually walk through it. 

Once we got back from Chorkor we spent the evening in the orphanage and got some much needed rest. We're having so much fun loving on all these kids. :) 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life in Ghana.

Hello! Life here in Ghana has been pretty crazy the past few days. Monday night, went to pick up a couple people from the airport, and pick up my lost bag. When we were leaving the parking lot we were hit by another taxi. We were all fine and there was only minor damage to the car. Praise God! There driving here is crazy. They like to drive in the middle of the road, and they use their horns for everything. Oh, and they very rarely stop. That has been an interesting experience.

A typical day here starts at about 8am for us. The adults get up at 5, but we are never up quite that early. We get ready and have breakfast, and then it's time for school. Emily, Sarah, and I teach school for the little ones (preschool - 1st/2nd grade) We didn't know before we got here that we would be teaching school, so it's taking some getting used to, be we're enjoying it a lot. After school it's time for lunch. We have had a loooot of beans since we got here. Almost every meal. But the food is pretty good for the most part, just very spicy. After lunch it's nap time. Which is really nice, because usually we get to take a nap after the kids go down. Once nap time is over we either play outside or watch a movie. They looove to watch movies. After that it's time for dinner and then baths. We have the wonderful privilege of bathing the children, outside, with a bucket. That has definitely been an interesting experience. After that we play and then put them to bed. Once they're all in bed we head back to our room to shower (from a bucket), and try to give all you guys an update before we fall asleep.

Tomorrow, James, Sarah, and I will go to Chorkor with Lola to deliver some food to a couple of families there. It's a little more rugged than it is here, so that will be an experience for us.

Thank you so much for all your prayers! They are greatly appreciate. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

We made it!

After delays, rushing through security in Knoxville, a beautiful sunset on the way to Atlanta, and a very long flight across the ocean, we finally made it to Accra about 1:15 Sunday afternoon. James and I were expecting a blast of heat the second we stepped off the plane, but thankfully it wasn't too bad! One of my bags didn't make it off the plane in Accra, but Emily and I will go back to the airport and get it this evening.

We arrived at GMI and spent the rest of the day getting to know the kids. This morning, Sarah and I got to teach school for the preschoolers, and hopefully this afternoon or tomorrow we'll go see Lola at AOH! (She's a lady from Knoxville staying at another orphanage here in Ghana)

It has been so much fun getting to love on these kids! They call all three of us "mommy", which is kind of overwhelming when a bunch kids are shouting it all at once, but I'm loving every minute of it!

I'll try to upload pictures on Facebook at least every couple days so you guys can see what we're up to. Thank you so much for all your prayers!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Here today, Ghana tomorrow! (Props to Mr. Rosenberger for the title)

It's finally here! I will be leaving for Ghana tomorrow afternoon! (1/21)
Thank you guys so much for all the prayer, support, and encouragement. It has been such a blessing as I get ready leave!

A big thank you to Jehovah Jireh for providing everything I need. God is so good!

I'll keep you updated while I'm gone!